Sunday 23 January 2011

It all starts here...

Hi everyone,

Well I guess it really does all start here...

Just before Christmas we decided that 2011 was the year for us to do something BIG for charity. Ideas were bandied about, until someone (no names - Claire Baker) suggested the Three Peaks Challenge... Snowdon, Scafell Pike, and Ben Nevis... one after the other...and all within thirty six hours (a total of 25.7 miles and 9,619 feet). Meningitis Trust had an event scheduled which gave us the perfect opportunity to get on with it.

Excitement (and some dis-belief - are they mental?) rippled through the office, and eventually a group of us came forward and committed to the walk: Claire Baker, Mel Baker (Daddy of Claire), Julie Tindall, Steve Leonard, Penny Dryer, and me - Amie Cook.

A month into our training we are looking forward to our first team training walk on Sunday 30th January 2011 (8 miles - let's not overdo it just yet!). We will of course take you with us every step of the way (mobile signal permitting on the mountains...) and hope you enjoy hearing about our adventures as much as I am sure we'll enjoy having them.

Our biggest challeng at the moment is fundraising. With a target of £4000 (£2400 of which needs to be in a month before we go - 13th May by the way - 13 April for funds), we are looking to our family, friends, associates, and any of you other kind readers out there who would like to support our endeavours.

Thanks for reading - stay with us and if you're ready to make your donation please visit our sponsorship page at: 

The Chalvington Three Peaks Team

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